Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hello it's a beautiful day in West Virginia today-sunny and 68 deg. But my hearts a little heavy, a friend from my church who is 52-53 years is going to have to have a bone marrow transplant. They are testing tomorrow to see if her brother is a match for the transplant. My prayer is that they match. We also have two young brothers at church that had marrow transplants last summer and are still recovering - thank God for that miracle. Even tho I have a cronic diease, I can not imagine what she is going thru.

Tomorrow I'll share about the new patterns I ordered!!!
Blessings to all, BK

1 comment:

Charlie McGee said...

Prayers, prayers, and prayers.
God is in control of all things, even when we don't think that He is listening.
love you,