Friday, February 15, 2008


Thanks to Tina at the Quilling Central Blog!!! I am blessed to have won the Mandala magnet and easel!!!! This really made my Valentines Day! I know right where I'll put in house-my room!
This OWOH has been a blast...... thanks again.
Grace to All, Becky

Thursday, February 14, 2008


I'm so excited I won a wonderal book from Tina at!!!!!
My first year participating in One World One Heart and I WON!!!!! This is so very special.
I turn 50 in a couple of months and am slightly dreading it - the book I won is call YOU CAN DO IT , Handbook for Grown Up Girls! I think this will come in really handy... Thank you again to all the bloggers who were so gracious to offer up their gifts. God Bless.
Grace to All,

i won i won i won!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wednesday 2/13

Good Day! Thank you so much to my new blogger buddies! It was a joy to visit all the sites for the One World One Heart giveaway. I found some very creative people from all over the world-that's pretty cool. I am very glad that my friend Theresa introduced me to the blogger world. Not to mention I'm much more computer literate than I thought!

Here in West Virginia we have had two days of snow and sleet. Very pretty for us, but looking at some of the scenery on the Canadian blogs - very tame!

Well that's all for now. HOPE I win something on OWOH this week-can't wait.

Grace to All, Becky

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My Big Dream!

I think most of us have jobs that we tolerate or are content with, but wouldn't it be nice if we did something we loved!?! My friend Theresa has a studio and gets to do the things she really enjoys, painting, teaching, batiking, crochet, and not to mention playing rummy with me! My BIG DREAM is to own my own cross stitch shope. When I first starting stitching there was a store in a little near by town called The Peach Basket. It was the neatest store I had ever seen and none have really matched it since then. The owner had probably a dozen cabinets that were made like card display cabinets-tiered. There was row after row of every kinds of pattern: seasonal, jobs, hobbies, flowers, animals and anything else you could think of....
Then her husband would do the framing! They were such sweet people-never knew their names, but it didn't seem to matter-I was a STITCHER!!! That time started my dream!
Grace to All, Becky